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News & Events

Corn Roast 2016

NDATV held our annual Corn Roast, Camping and Riding at the clubhouse the weekend of Friday August 12.

It was a fantastic weekend with family and friends. Thanks to everyone who participated. It was a wonderful time. Our four legged members Max and Jack were such great loving dogs. Check out the picture of Jack sporting his new dust goggles and a NDATV club hat.

We had six campers and 14 riders attend this weekend. Great Saturday ride on loop 1. Great to meet three new members Jim, Joanne and Greg. Also great to see our director Jim back on the trail. We have missed him these past few months. Winners from the poker ride was Linda 1st, Greg 2nd, and 3rd was Jim. We had 7 riders do a night ride. Saturday night we had rain but sat on the clubhouse deck listening to Mike A. and Mike T. playing guitars and Lori singing. On Sunday we a great breakfast being a group event with everyone donating something with the men cooking and woman doing the preparation and setup.

Pictures of the weekend are available here.

June EOTA’s Weslemkoom Lake

On Saturday July 23rd the Northumberland ATV Club hosted a ride around Weslemkoom Lake and area lakes. We had 16 people attend with 12 ATV’s. It was a great day for a ride, although leading up to the ride it had been extremely hot and humid the shade of the forest trees took away the hot humid air, in the sun it was still hot but there was a breeze which kept the air moving. We stopped at a hunting camp for lunch and then proceeded to one of the small lakes for a refreshing dip before our journey back to the vehicles. The return trip was 120 km, we are in need of rain many of the water holes are dried up and most of the unwooded trails are really dusty. Unfortunately, for the other riders, they were not able to see the moose and deer which crossed the trail in front of us. It was great to see so much wild life, one of the advantages of being at the beginning of the line. Over all the ride provided a good mix for each level of rider and everyone made it around safely and without incident. Thanks to all who attended and please feel free to share your photos.

Pictures of the ride are available here.

Sharbot Lake Ride

On Saturday July 9th the Northumberland ATV Club hosted an EOTA ride along the Trans Canada Trail Systems. We started in Tweed and rode to Sharbot Lake with lunch at the Maples Restaurant in Sharbot Lake.

A special thanks to Wayne for guiding us through the Otter Lakes bush trail, this trail provided a good mix of skill level for the riders.

We had 7 ATV’s attend this event. It was a great day to ride, the rain on Friday night was enough to keep the dust down. This is the best time to enjoy the EOTA rail trails, just after a rain. We had to stop for a partridge who insisted on dusting in the middle of the trail.

Thanks to all who attended and shared photos.

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